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Denver, CO 80216

6145 Broadway, Suite 72

Phone Number

(303) 263-2831

6 Color Indicators Of Utility Locating

When you are looking for underground utilities, it is important to know the colors that indicate the different types. This will help you avoid hitting any lines while you are digging. 5280 Locates in Colorado is dedicated to ensuring the safety of its customers and the public by sharing our knowledge of utility locating. Read about the six colors to look out for below.


Red indicates electrical lines, conduit, and lighting utilities. These are often high voltage cables that can pose a hazard for any ground intrusive activities. Be wary of these lines as they have the potential to deliver a deadly shock.


Orange indicates communication, TV, alarm, or signal lines. These lines are generally lower voltage than electrical lines but can still cause serious injury if contacted. Stay away from these lines when possible to avoid any accidents.


Yellow indicates gas, oil, steam, and petroleum lines. Many of these lines are under high pressure and can cause serious injury or death if contacted. Always be aware of your surroundings and keep a safe distance from any yellow markings.

Green and Blue

Green indicates sewer, drain, and irrigation lines while blue indicates water lines. These lines are often low pressure and less dangerous than the other colors. However, damaging them can result in issues with the water supply to residential homes as well as fire protection systems.


Pink markings are used to indicate temporary lines that are not part of the main utility grid. To understand which utility they might be, you would need to observe where it starts and ends as well as various characteristics of the line. It is best to take special care when working with lines of this nature as you can’t be sure of how dangerous they might be.

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